Why participate in the 10th Guangzhou International Fishing Fair? Six advantages to ensure the exhibition effect, to create 2024 Bay Area aquatic quality exhibition



10 years of brand accumulation

Show a brilliant future

Ten years of brand witness, the exhibition has been upgraded, Guangzhou International Fishing Fair has obtained UFI certification, its internationalization level and professional degree has been widely concerned and highly recognized from the industry, since then has become one of the world's recognized international brand exhibition, is a high scale, high quality international, professional fishery expo in South China. This year, the scale of the exhibition reached a new high, with an exhibition area of nearly 100,000 square meters, bringing together 2,000 + exhibitors and 100,000 professional buyers.

Guangzhou International Fishery Fair continues to move forward steadily, is committed to building a comprehensive service platform for the deep integration of "exhibition + industry" in China's aquatic supply chain, and tailor-made one-stop service solution of "offline exhibition + industry forum + industry conference + promotion meeting + resource docking + new media matrix" for the aquaculture industry, enabling industrial upgrading in a full range.


Based in Guangzhou radiation Bay Area

Explore the infinite business opportunities of aquatic products

In the south, the fertile soil of the aquatic products market has always been a stage for businesses to compete for deer. Its huge breeding base and active economic ecology have given birth to vitality and infinite possibilities for the aquatic industry. Relying on this unique market advantage, the 10th Guangzhou International Fishery Fair is scheduled to be held in Guangzhou Canton Fair Pavilion on September 25-27, 2024.

China, as the world's total aquatic products and aquaculture production double champion, its aquaculture industry prosperity is remarkable. Guangdong Province, with its overall leadership in the production, breeding and consumption of aquatic products, ranks first in the country. Guangzhou, the economic engine and international city in southern China, with its superior geographical location and solid industrial foundation, brings together many top aquatic enterprises and talents, and has become an important force to promote the development of the fishery industry.


Effective marketing has been upgraded

Accurate invitation guarantee effect

Guangzhou International Fishing Fair is well aware of the fierce market competition, so it actively integrates all kinds of media resources, through the popular platforms such as Tiktok information flow, Today's headlines, wechat circle of friends, small Red Book, as well as the extensive coverage of the industry inside and outside the media matrix, all-round and multi-angle dissemination of exhibition information, to help exhibitors seize market opportunities.

At the same time, the exhibition continued to deepen the market, set up a professional team for the whole region, all-channel buyer invitation, to achieve deep integration of online and offline, to ensure that exhibits and demand accurate docking, the quality of visitors significantly improved.




The whole industrial chain to power

The six exhibition areas are dazzling

The 10th Guangzhou International Fishery Expo is the most large-scale and influential annual aquatic industry event in South China! The six exhibition sections planned for this year's Guangzhou International Fishery Fair include: brand aquatic products, Guangdong famous and special aquatic products, Marine ranching, animal husbandry, prepared vegetables and processing equipment cold chain, food ingredients, etc., showing the whole industrial chain layout from raw materials to finished products, and the latest achievements and development trends of the industry. This comprehensive business platform will provide exhibitors and visitors with unlimited business opportunities and cooperation possibilities.



Popular events abound

Explore the road of aquatic innovation

In order to further enhance the value of the exhibition, the organizing committee of the conference has carefully prepared a series of high-end forums and activities, including the International Fishery healthy Aquaculture Forum, the innovative development Forum of engineered circulating aquaculture, the modern Marine pasture Development Forum, the national Marine pasture construction and management training course, and the Guangdong Province Aquatic Prefabricated vegetable Industry Forum. Dedicate a wonderful audio-visual event for everyone.

Industry elites, experts, scholars and entrepreneurs are invited to gather together to share cutting-edge views and valuable experience, and explore the path of industry change and innovation. These activities not only promote exchanges and cooperation between the industry, but also provide practitioners with new ideas and inspiration to solve problems, and promote the continuous progress and development of the entire industry.

