Banana sea bass fragrance everywhere! Zhuhai Doumen District Baijiao Town Fishing Association invites you to participate in the 10th Guangzhou International Fishing Fair!


One fish starts an industry,

The fishermen of the rich side,

Achieve a local economy.


People on the river, but love bass beautiful. Enter any pickled fish restaurant in the country, golden soup sea bass is not absent option. And these sea bass, most likely produced in Zhuhai Doumen district.

"White banana sea bass" is well-known, as early as 2009, it became the first national Geographic indication protection product in the fishery industry of Guangdong Province.

"White banana sea bass" and its protection area have also won the most influential regional public brand, China's top 100 agricultural products regional public brand, China's top 100 agricultural products, Chinese characteristics of agricultural products advantage area, the first batch of national famous and special new agricultural products, Guangdong Province's first batch of premade food industry chain standardization pilot, etc. It has been awarded the titles of "Hometown of sea bass in China", "Capital of Sea bass in China" and "Capital of Sea bass Prepared Dish in China".

In recent years, with the improvement of breeding technology and the improvement of the industrial chain, the quality of "white banana sea bass" in Doumen District is getting better and better, the reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and the market share is also increasing, becoming one of the pillar industries of Zhuhai agriculture and becoming a beautiful "vegetable basket" business card in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

According to public data, the breeding area of "white banana sea bass" reached 39,900 mu, and the total output reached 159,000 tons, accounting for 70% of the province's sea bass production and 50% of the national sea bass production. Doumen District has become the largest sea bass producing area in China.

At present, the cansa sea bass geographical indicator industry has formed a whole industrial chain including germplasm preservation, seed breeding, seed cultivation, finished product breeding, processing, circulation and sales, and a multi-subject development pattern of "leading enterprises + small and medium-sized enterprises + individual industrial and commercial enterprises + cooperatives + family farms + farmers", driving a large number of practitioners to become rich. Created the "billion yuan village" Zhaoxin village, "thousand strong town" Baijiao town.

A hundred achievements have made further progress. At present, the white banana sea bass industry also takes the east wind of the rapid development of the prepared dish industry to develop the prepared dish industry.

Join the provincial modern agricultural industrial park, start planning and construction with high standards, promote the standardization of the prepared vegetable industry, accelerate the gathering of high-quality leading enterprises... In recent years, in the face of the new industrial track spawned by the trillion prefabricated vegetable market, Doumen takes the Doumen Intelligent Manufacturing Economic Development Zone 20.9 square kilometers as the development hinterland, and builds the Doumen prefabricated vegetable Industrial Park with a total planned land area of 1250 acres of the core area to create a "lighthouse park" for the prefabricated vegetable industry.

At present, the prepared dish industry in Doumen is in a stage of rapid development, and the comprehensive strength continues to rise. In 2022, the total output value of the whole industrial chain of prepared vegetables (including aquaculture, feed, processing and other chains) in Doumen District base reached 18.6 billion yuan. By the end of 2022, there are 37 registered prefabricated vegetable enterprises in the base, 11 prefabricated vegetable enterprises in the base, and the cold chain logistics storage space capacity of about 210,000 tons in the base, with broad prospects for the future.

Zhuhai city Doumen district Baijiao town fishing association

Baijiao Town Fishery Association, Doumen District, Zhuhai City, was established on December 27, 2011. It is a joint organization within the fishery industry voluntarily joined by fishery enterprises, institutions and fishery workers with legal personality. It is a non-profit social organization registered with legal personality according to law.

The purpose of the Association is to abide by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, assist the government to do a good job in industry management, regulate industry behavior, reflect the opinions and requirements of members to the government, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members and the industry, communicate the close relationship between fishery production and scientific research, teaching and extension departments, and provide training and consultation on management and fishery technology for members. And provide relevant information services to promote the development of fisheries in our town, improve economic efficiency, increase farmers' income, safeguard the economic interests of members, and promote the sustainable development of fisheries in our town.

The main responsibilities of the Association are: first, to provide technical guidance and services, introduce and promote new technologies, hold technical training, and carry out technical exchanges. The second is to provide members with market information and related economic and technical information, coordinate the work of industry and commerce, public security, traffic police, transportation and finance departments, provide members with policy, legal and other consulting services, and help members to explore domestic and foreign markets. The third is to formulate industry rules and regulations to regulate industry behavior; Coordinate the contact between members and related enterprises, promote mutual cooperation and common development. To undertake matters entrusted by the government, competent departments and relevant departments; To carry out patriotism and socialist professional ethics education, so that members can abide by the law, civilized business, participate in various public welfare activities, and return to society.

The existing core members of the association are about 150 people, and the members cover the whole industry chain from the first line of aquaculture, feed distribution to deep processing, driving the area of sea bass farming in the whole region to 39,900 mu, the annual output of sea bass is 160,000 tons, accounting for more than 60% of the total output of the country, and the total output value of the whole industry chain reaches 17 billion yuan, which has become one of the pillar industries of Zhuhai agriculture. It has become a beautiful dish basket business card in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and won the titles of "Hometown of sea bass in China", "Capital of sea Bass in China" and "Capital of Sea bass Prepared Dish in China" for Doumen District and even Zhuhai.
