Isn't July the season for eating eels?


With the arrival of the hot summer in July, many places have ushered in continuous hot weather, and the temperature has repeatedly exceeded 30 degrees Celsius. In such a hot summer, a traditional delicacy, eel, has become the first choice for Japanese people to fight the summer heat.

Eel plays an important role in the Japanese food culture, it is not only nutritious, but also very easy to digest, especially suitable for summer humidity heavy, lack of appetite or weak body to eat. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that eel has the effect of tonifying deficiency and nourishing blood, removing dampness, anti-consumption, etc., so it is regarded as the best food for relieving the summer heat by the Japanese. Every year, the "Ugly Day of Earth", that is, the specific day of the lunar calendar (this year, July 28), is set as the "Eel Festival" in Japan, on this day, every household in the Japanese islands will eat eel rice, and the smell of eel wafted around the street.


There are two species of eel: river eel and moray eel. River eel, loose meat but not loose, soft and tender taste. Moray eels have many spines and Y-shaped spines all over the body. Because they live under the sea, they are lazy, so their meat is fat and delicious. Eel practices are varied, in addition to Pu, there are white, eel and so on. Either way, you can't do without the secret eel juice, which is the key to enhancing the taste of the eel.

As the heat continues, eels will continue to feature prominently on tables. It is not only a kind of food, but also an inheritance and embodiment of traditional culture. In this hot season, try the delicacy of eel, perhaps you will fall in love with this unique summer dish.

World eels see China

Chinese eels see Guangdong

Guangdong eel Industry Association

Guangdong Eel Industry Association was established on July 1, 2002, is a provincial industrial, non-profit civil society organization voluntarily formed by Guangdong eel industry enterprises, groups and other economic organizations, and is an independent association legal person registered in accordance with the law. The association has a total of more than 180 member units, mainly from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Taiwan and other places of eel industry practitioners, covering eel seedling cultivation, eel farming, feed production, live eel export and roast eel processing and other aspects of the entire industry chain.

Guangdong Eel Industry Association shall comply with the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, assist the government to do a good job in industry management, regulate industry behavior, reflect the opinions and requirements of members to the government, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of members, coordinate the relationship between members, and provide services such as technical exchange, market guidance, organization, coordination and communication of production, supply and marketing information for the industry. For the purpose of promoting the healthy and steady development of the eel industry in our province; Actively promote healthy farming, vigorously advocate the "company + base + standardization" business management model, carefully build Guangdong eel regional brand, and actively explore the domestic eel market while striving to develop foreign eel markets, in order to promote the healthy and sustainable development of Guangdong eel industry.



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